Adaptive Model

"The information that DRC BEACON provides is very tailored toward what our students will need to know for their end of the year assessment."

— Maura Fegel, Director of Elementary Curriculum, Camden County Schools

Fast, Relevant Results

Because DRC BEACON adapts to the student’s level, the test results yield more relevant data in a shorter time frame. Fewer test items are needed to obtain an accurate measure of student learning, and reports come back with specific data identifying what support a student needs. This means more time for instruction and learning.

  • Adaptive test engine selects items based on the student’s previous responses
  • Test determines student level of performance with fewest possible items
  • Reports show domain level, performance levels, and growth throughout year
  • Able to show performance at/above/below grade level, comparative information, and which content standards need additional attention at the group level
  • Growth reports with a predicted range of performance on the end-of-year state assessment

Flexible Choices for Teachers
Teachers can choose to administer comprehensive, full-length assessments that cover all content for a subject area, or give shorter “testlets” that are focused on a single reporting category. The full-length assessments help teachers understand student growth in subject areas and grades across the school year, while the shorter testlets give insight into learning just before or after a related unit of instruction.

Familiar Online Platform
Everyone benefits when there are fewer systems to learn in a school/district. DRC BEACON is delivered on DRC INSIGHT™, a well-known and respected system already used by many schools nationwide.

"BEACON is used on the same platform as Georgia Milestones (state summative), so our third graders who have not tested yet are able to be exposed to that platform with the test ticket login, the tools, all of those different kinds of things before they take the Milestones in April, which is wonderful."

— Trista Clemons, Special Education/504/Testing Coordinator, Tift County Schools