Why Educators Choose DRC BEACON
Hear how educators in Georgia use DRC BEACON to measure student learning, improve instruction, and achieve growth throughout the school year.
How has DRC BEACON helped you
improve instruction in the classroom?
How have DRC BEACON reports informed
you about what students have learned?
BEACON helps improve instruction in the classroom by allowing teachers to see where students are and which foundational skills may need reinforcement. Having that knowledge prior to a lesson helps us plan the differentiation more effectively.
— Robert “Trey” Ezekiel, III, Ed.D., Director of Assessment, Clarke County Schools

Assessment Solutions

Your time is valuable.
Make the most of it with immediate insights that guide instruction and learning.

Understand what every
student needs next.
We give you high-quality tools to personalize instruction for each student.

Minimize testing, maximize learning.
Meet students where they are today with tailored questions that adopt to their learning level and save them time.
What Can DRC BEACON Do for You?

Offers interim assessments for ELA and math in grades 3-8
Supports formative instructional practices
Is administered on the user-friendly DRC INSIGHT platform
Provides students with the tools and accommodations they already use

Uses a computer-adaptive algorithm to pinpoint student performance
Generates immediate student results
Provides predicted score ranges on end-of-year assessment
Opportunity to check learning and monitor progress throughout the year